The Massachusetts Attorney Mentoring Program is about:
Problem solving
Professional development
Personal growth
The Massachusetts Attorney Mentoring Program is not about:
Substantive legal issues or questions
Specific legal advice or strategy on individual cases
Advertising or selling services
Applying for a specific job
Attorney Connect is about:
Engaging fully for a one-hour meeting.
Formulating short and long-term goals.
Letting the mentee direct the course of the discussion.
Summarizing the content of your discussion before ending the meeting.
Expressing gratitude to one another for the time and collaboration.
Deciding if there will be any follow up, and if so, what type.
Mentor Connect is about:
Sketching out a plan for the six meetings to meet the mentee’s overall and specific goals.
Keeping in mind that with six meetings there is time to go deeper into issues of professional development and personal growth, including well-being, stress management, identity, and bias.
Paying attention to progress toward the mentee’s goals during and after each meeting, and redirecting the course of the discussions, as necessary.
Maintaining professional boundaries.
Scheduling the next meeting at the close of each meeting.
Deciding if there will be any follow up, and if so, what type.